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Finding What Works

Mar 24, 2025

This post is by Tami Rodriguez.


This winter I have started a new morning routine I’m loving. I am getting into the Word much earlier than usual and have found two things I want to share that have really helped me be consistent and enjoy my Bible Time more.  

The first step of my new morning routine will seem completely…WRONG! I check my phone- Gasp!! I’ve carried a great deal of guilt for checking my phone right away because, well, everyone says that’s the worst thing you can do when you wake up.  I then heard a profound statement by another mom sharing her thoughts on this subject… If you’re not endlessly scrolling and it truly helps you wake up… then use that!! Why I needed someone else’s permission to do this without guilt I don’t know! I do give myself a limit and purpose so I don’t end up endlessly doom scrolling. I check the weather and see if there are any closings or road issues due to weather (welcome to Michigan winters). I check my email to see if any events are being changed and then check my calendar to remind myself what’s going on for the day. I only give myself 15 minutes to slowly wake up and then scroll but it helps me feel prepared for the day and more awake to focus on what’s next. Once my 15 minute snooze goes off, the phone is down and I’m off to start my morning. Jumping out of bed never sounds fun when it’s dark and cold outside of our warm cozy covers, but I know if I don’t workout and get in the Word early it won’t happen. This little tweak has helped me stop turning off my alarm or snoozing forever in procrastination.

Another thing I have found that really helps me is the Youversion Bible app. I have used this app for many years and love it although I had not realized they had a great prayer guide and list. You can create your own prayer list, mark when a prayer is answered, archive old prayers to look back at in the future and bonus, being on your phone, you can add prayer requests right away so you don't forget! After I started using the prayer list I discovered their Daily Refresh. This is a daily verse and small devo, but it also has a daily prayer section you can do with or without the rest of the Refresh. In this daily prayer time there is a prompt to settle in to talk with the Lord and then either Scripture or a statement to bring your heart and mind into a time of worship. It has background music of varying kinds you can use or keep it silent. But my favorite part is that after the worship it will cycle through your prayer list! It will bring up 3 different things randomly from your list and then continuously give you the option to add 3 more until you are ready to be done. It then will end with another Scripture or statement on God’s goodness and faithfulness with a reminder you can stay in that space or come back to it anytime you want in your day. I have tried many prayer journals in the past and would still feel overwhelmed with all there was to pray for each day. This has been such a great fit for me. It helps get my head in the right space, it shuffles through my prayers without overwhelming me seeing a huge list and I can adapt it to the time I have each day. I highly recommend it! 

How you spend your time with the Lord will most likely be ever changing. What works well this year may not be what you need next year. Ask the Lord to bring the ideas and resources you need to connect, learn and hear from Him. Whether through apps, books, friends or some random statement from a mom in passing—He will provide. Jeremiah 29:13 And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart.

Tami Rodriguez has been married to her high school sweetheart for 31 years and has 5 children, two lovely daughters in law and a new granddaughter! She has homeschooled for 21 years and still has 4 more to go...send coffee! Tami is a lifelong learner who loves to study God’s Word and share with others whenever given the opportunity.  You can find her living life as “just a mom who likes to write” over on instagram @rodfamily007.

Photo by DoฤŸukan ลžahin on Unsplash


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