This post is by Shaina Weisgerber.
I don’t actually like setting goals. I think I am so afraid of failing that I tend to lean towards just not making goals at all so I can avoid the downfall when it happens. Anyone relate?
So what am I even doing here writing about goal setting? To be honest, I really do struggle wanting to set goals and sometimes it seems like it is pointless to try to set them.
2025 has not exactly started out like I thought it would. We have endured Flu, a broken hot water heater, ordering two new windows for our home, snow days from school, and sub-zero temperatures, all within the first 3 weeks of the year. Having been able to set some smart goals, I have not fallen off or thrown in the towel even in these crazy circumstances.
Setting goals is great, but setting the right goals is key.
“Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise, but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is.” Ephesians 5:15-17
Goal setting, even if I am not the best at it, is so helpful in keeping our hearts and minds focused on what is important. The times we are living in are not easy and we must remain vigilant and steadfast. Goal setting helps us keep our eyes on Christ, while tangibly applying the Lord’s disciplines to our life. Set goals that bring you closer to Christ, that help align your mind with the Word of God, that keep your body healthy for the work He has for you to do. Instead of wandering aimlessly about in your faith, set goals that give you measurable growth. Instead of just wishing you were more knowledgeable about the Word of God, set a goal towards studying it. Desiring to serve God more? Set goals to learn more about the ways you can serve God in your own community and then once you’ve achieved that goal, set a new goal of how you want to serve. Perhaps your house is driving you crazy. Set a small goal of tending to one new part of your home per week for a few weeks. Your goals do not have to be year long, or huge. They are meant to help serve you, grow you and discipline you. Get creative, think outside the box, and really be honest about what parts of your life need attention.
Goals are tools to help us live wisely and steward this one life we have been given.
I leave you with some encouragement and tools for the journey. You are NOT being graded. You are not a failure or a loser if you don’t attain a certain goal in a certain way. You are a growing, learning, changing person and goals can adapt with you and your life. You ARE capable. You are fully capable of doing anything you choose to do. You are alive, you are gifted, smart, and have the capacity to learn and change. The sky is the limit.
Do not let past hiccups or mistakes hold you back from the things you desire to accomplish. Be wise about who you let in on your goals. Don’t just share with the masses. You will most certainly have people who will think your goals are unattainable, ridiculous or crazy. Be wise to share your goals with the people who will actually help you achieve them. Lastly, just TRY! I told you I don’t like goal setting, but that doesn’t mean that I have quit altogether. Stay in it! Hello Mornings has been so helpful in this part of my life. There are tools, videos, downloads, groups, accountability and support all found within Hello Mornings. You will be so thankful to find all of these things and success in achieving your goals!
Shaina is from the Texas Panhandle. She and her husband Nick have two girls and together they all enjoy movies, playing Mario Kart and doing life together as a family. Shaina works in education and enjoys leading worship, coffee dates with friends and being with family. After losing their son to heart defects in 2013 Shaina began to write and share her heart through her blog and social media. Find her at @sycamoreandsparrow on Instagram and Facebook.
Photo by Isaac Smith on Unsplash
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