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God Time During a Crisis

Nov 25, 2024

This post is by Sabeth Kapahu.

We are women pulled in a million different directions each day. We are carving out time to deepen our relationships with God in order to live for Him according to our unique designs.

We need simple, tangible ways to meet this desire. Here is an acronym that I use to integrate God Time into my life from the moment I wake through to seventeen hours later when I put my head down to sleep.

G: Gratitude

O: Offered

D: Daily

“Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you. Show me the way I should go, for to you I entrust my life.” Psalm 143:8

Each morning we awake with air in our lungs, we have encountered God’s goodness and therefore have much to be grateful for. This gratitude offered to God is an opportunity for building our relationship with Him.

Just like any relationship, the more time we spend cultivating it, the deeper it gets, and the deeper it gets, the more we grow. We get to know God through his word, and conversation (prayer).

As a young Christian, I was of the mindset that time with God, “quiet-time” as it were, could only happen with a six-inch thick Bible, a journal, multiple highlighters, quiet worship music playing on the CD player, and at least an hour set aside to soak it all in. At the time, it seemed right, and my schedule allowed for that. However it also garnered immense amounts of guilt when it was skipped.

There is no doubt that in order to know God we need to read His Word. There is also no doubt that the way we do that looks very different in each season of life. Right now in my season, it looks like popping in my AirPods and listening to a Hello Mornings audio study before anyone else wakes up. It also looks like daily prayer alarms set on my phone for each member of my family. 

There is no other time spent that can shape our moments, memories, and the mark we will leave on this world more than time spent with God. But it doesn’t have to be hours at a time, it can happen even in three-second increments.

In the time it takes you to say, “Thank you, Lord, for (fill in the blank)," you can know that your heavenly Father has heard your voice. And doesn’t it feel good to be heard?

So at 4 P.M. when that air in our lungs has been exhausted one-thousand times over, reasoning with kids and planning with our spouse. When we have extended ourselves negotiating with family or strategizing with coworkers. When dinner and nightly routines loom ahead. We can choose to converse with Him at any moment of the day and trust that He is listening.

We can even set a timer for two minutes and sit on the kitchen floor in “silence” and hear what He has to say.  We can know that He will speak. It may not be in words we can audibly hear, but there are many words, which if we have stored in our heart, we can hear Him whisper to us in those moments from His Word.

If we can remember that God time can happen in three-second increments and we can speak words of gratitude offered daily, we can guarantee to deepen our relationship with God on a daily basis.

In these uncertain times we are facing, there is no better relationship to deepen than ours and His.


Sabeth Kapahu is a wife, a mom of four, and a friend to many. She’s passionate about encouraging others through good words and solidarity. Sab’s naturally empathetic, loves to develop the potential in people (friends and strangers alike), and has a deep belief that we can live our best lives when we are daily seeking out our individual God-given purpose.

She can be found on social media via: 

Instagram @sabethkapahu

Facebook: Sabeth Kapahu


Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash


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