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Looking Back to Move Ahead

Jan 20, 2025

This post is by Tami Rodriguez.

For which of you, intending to build a tower, does not sit down first and count the cost, whether he has enough to finish it— lest, after he has laid the foundation, and is not able to finish, all who see it begin to mock him, saying, ‘This man began to build and was not able to finish’? (Luke 14:28-30).  

With a new year in view it’s normal to set goals and make big plans. New Year’s Resolutions are fun! They’re exciting! You can do ANYTHING! Coming off a major holiday, we may be feeling a bit frustrated with life. Christmas can often make us feel like choices are being made for us. From school events, work parties, family parties and church programs we are just keeping our heads above the water. It’s not uncommon to be eating very different from our normal, feel like there’s no time for exercise and even drop boundaries with people and schedules that we normally guard so well at other times of the year. Because of all of that, when we come up for a bit of air and see a new year approaching we see a new chance!  From weight loss, running a marathon, writing a book or even “just” getting the house decluttered and organized, the future is full of possibilities! But… if we don’t take time to look back and access we will most likely set ourselves up to fail. 

Hello Mornings would call this look back “taking a personal inventory”.  Looking back at what worked and what didn’t would be the first step. But after that we also need to recognize the season of life we’re in and what we have available in ourselves to give. If you are neck deep in babies and toddlers and diapers, you may have less of yourself to give to your goals right now. That’s not a forever thing—but it may be a very real right now thing! 

Maybe you’re coming out of a hard or busy season and have more time,  energy and freedom to work on things you’ve always wanted to. For my family this year had a time of deep fear and sorrow along with various injuries that had us in and out of the hospital and doctors offices many times. We are so thankful to be coming out of it all but when I take time to really look at where I am…I am tired!! We have some recovery here to be working on. While running a marathon sounds like a more fun or “worthy” goal, REST is actually where I need to be focused for a little bit

Unlike the Bible verse above, I am not worried about being mocked for not finishing what I set out to start, but, I do know how discouraging it can be to make big goals and not meet them. How different would things be if we slowed down and prayerfully walked through the season and circumstances of our lives with the Lord BEFORE plowing ahead with our big goals and plans?

As we look forward to a fresh start and a new year, join me first with looking back. Not only to make better plans that are in step with our Father, but also to take the time to recognize how faithful He has been in the past year. Let us remember He knows our future and will supply all our needs. May this coming year be a blessing AND a success…whatever that may look like for YOU!  Happy New Year.    


Tami Rodriguez has been married to her high school sweetheart for 31 years and has 5 children, a lovely daughter in law and a new granddaughter! She has homeschooled for 21 years and still has 4 more to go...send coffee! Tami is a lifelong learner who loves to study God’s Word and share with others whenever given the opportunity.  You can find her living life as “just a mom who likes to write” over on instagram @rodfamily007.

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash


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