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Purposeful Productivity

Aug 26, 2024

This post is by Tami Rodriguez.


 I am a productivity junkie. I love it! I love the idea of purpose, intention and being in control of my day. I feel, however, the point of productivity has gotten lost in our Pinterest perfect world. A morning routine or any type of productivity hack should be helping you get things done quicker or easier SO THAT you have time to do the things you really want or need to do. What I feel I often find online or in books is a heavy focus on a Morning Routine where the advice is generally lists of more and MORE things to add to my already full plate. 

I’ve been there and done that and what I found was the sense of accomplishment was amazing!!! However, I’d then be exhausted and had spent the best part of my high energy time of the day all on me. While the world may say that’s great, the Bible does not! Philippians 2:3–4: "In humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others." I’m not saying we can’t take care of ourselves but when our main focus is self, at least for me, it never goes well. I find myself guarding and protecting “my” time and space. If I’m interrupted or can’t do all the things on my list I get very cranky and annoyed with the very people I’m getting up for- that I want to love well! On top of all of that I still have a whole day in front of me of things to do! 

This spring I started really thinking about my “why” behind productivity and in particular a morning routine. I stumbled upon this quote by Jennifer Pepito and it stopped me in my tracks, 

“The point of a morning routine is to start the day with authority. A Morning Routine isn’t about self-care. It’s about ordering our day so we can respond to God.” 

That quote made me realize I’d been going about this all wrong. My purpose had been to check all the boxes and do all the things, but what if I change all of that and my focus is to be PREPARED to do whatever God called me to do that day? This is inspirational to me. I want to suit up in the Armor of God and be ready to not only love and serve but also to do battle if that is what I’m called to. Maybe I do want to exercise, be in the Word and be ready for the day by a certain time but not because accomplishing those things gives me value and worth but because it makes me READY TO SERVE HIM WELL. Maybe I do want to read a certain book or sit in prayer but not because it’s on the list but because that is what He is leading me to. Suddenly the same actions have a peace behind them instead of pressure.  It’s hearing my Shepherd’s voice and following Him versus a time clock chasing me to get it all done. 

I hope this thought inspires you too to look at what you’re doing in your day and why. It is so easy to start something with good intentions and then get so lost in the “doing” we forget why we started. What’s your purpose behind your productivity? Is it working? Is it bringing you pressure or peace? Is it setting you up to be open to hearing God’s call and being obedient to respond?

Colossians 3:15 ~ And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body. And be thankful. 

Tami Rodriguez has been married to her high school sweetheart for 31 years and has 5 children, a lovely daughter in law and a new granddaughter! She has homeschooled for 21 years and still has 4 more to go...send coffee! Tami is a lifelong learner who loves to study God’s Word and share with others whenever given the opportunity.  You can find her living life as “just a mom who likes to write” over on Instagram @rodfamily007.

Photo by Mark Fletcher-Brown on Unsplash


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