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The Hello Mornings Blog

Tip #15: Know that God is Pleased with You (Morning Tips for Night Owls)

Apr 13, 2020

This is, perhaps, the most important tip of all. A difficult one to understand and believe, but if we allow its truth to sink deep down into our hearts, it is a game-changer.

Know that God is incredibly pleased with you.

That’s right! He is not loo...

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Tip #14: Pray for Perspective

Mar 30, 2020

There are so many factors that affect bedtime and wake time.

Boredom. Laziness. Exhaustion. Sickness. Sinful desires. Distraction. Forgetfulness. Children. Responsibilities.

It takes continual sacrifice, focus, initiative, and flexibility to create...

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Tip #13: Be Prepared

Mar 23, 2020

There's nothing more annoying than waking up before the sun, only to have my precious time cut short for one reason or another.

Some mornings it seems as if the seconds are just shorter! My time in the Word is not long enough, planning is squeezed i...

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Tip #12: Celebrate Your Successes

Mar 16, 2020

 We've come a long way! Yet it is so easy to become overwhelmed and discouraged by our slow progress.

We need to celebrate every little baby step reached!

Night-owls don't become early-birds overnight, and if we are constantly looking at all we are...

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Tip #11: Manage Your Expectations

Mar 09, 2020

 Jumping out of bed once, out of sheer determination and excitement for a new change is one thing. Rising early, day after day, month after month, year after year? That is a whole different ballgame.

Manage Your Expectations

This is so important, f...

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Tip #10: Make an Investment

Feb 24, 2020

When I first set out to take this get-up-early thing seriously, it seemed as if my kids had signed up for the HelloMornings challenge, too!

I kid you not—the very week I started getting up BEFORE them, they started waking up EARLIER.

This was incre...

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Tip #9: Don't Snooze

Feb 17, 2020

This might be one of the most fruitful tips in our 15 Transformational Tips for the Night Owl.

It is also one of the hardest.

Are you ready for this, 'cause some of you are going to want to slap me after this one...

Ditch the snooze button.

I can...

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Tip #8: Surround Yourself with Support

Feb 10, 2020

I tried (unsuccessfully) for years to get up early to spend time with God.

I made it up for a few days, weeks, or even a month; but it never stuck. Today's tip continues to be transformational for me, in meeting my morning goals.

Surround Yourself ...

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Tip #7: Tell Others What You're Up To

Jan 27, 2020

It's one thing to set your goals, make your plans, and set an alarm for bed time.

It's quite another to tell others of your goals, your plans, and what time you plan to be in bed.

Here's transformational tip #7: Tell others of your attempts to rise...

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Tip #6: Don't Linger

Jan 20, 2020

I'm in a deep sleep—happy in la-la land—and suddenly I hear the tone of my alarm calling me to the real world.

Is it time to get up already?!

As reality sets in that it is, indeed, time to wake up, I reach for my phone to silence the sound and face...

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❤️ Kat Lee