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The Hello Mornings Blog

Do We Have it Backwards?

Jan 02, 2023

This post is by Kelli LaFram.

When it comes to your time with Jesus, have you ever felt sluggish, dry, unmotivated? Like, despite your desire to have a full and rich morning with Jesus, your best friend and Savior, you just don’t have the willpower ...

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God Time in a Difficult Season 

Nov 07, 2022

This post is by Cindy Chen.


We all face difficulty from time to time, so when we’re hard pressed, how can we be prepared to keep God Time in our routine?

Difficulty is part of life, and while some may seem to have it harder than others, if it fe...

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When You’ve Accidentally Ruined Your Morning Routine

Oct 17, 2022

This post is by Kelli LaFram.


Alarm goes off, I hit snooze once, twice, maybe even three times. I roll out of bed and pour a cup of coffee (Thank the Lord for the invention of delay set coffee pots! Am I right?) I plop down on the couch, tell ...

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When Your Morning Changes

Jun 20, 2022

This post is by Gianna Kordatzky.


Two years ago we got a dog.  A dog is an adventure that we didn’t understand when we decided we needed one for our family. 


And need one we did.  Our son’s epilepsy caused us some anxiety, and we really wante...

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Using the 3 Minute Morning Kit to Bring Purpose to Your Day and Relationship With Christ

Sep 06, 2021

This post is by Danielle Smith.


It’d be hard to overstate the difference that 3 Minute Mornings have made in my life. It’s been years since I first came across Kat Lee’s revolutionary plan for getting out of bed and getting on with your day, and ...

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Overwhelming vs Simple Morning Routines

Oct 05, 2020

The heart of HelloMornings is the concept that our God Time, Plan Time and Move Time all work together. 

**Here’s how it works: Start each day with God, plan the day prayerfully and move where He leads.**

And we can start with just 1-minute in each...

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Your Future Self vs Your Morning Routine

Sep 07, 2020

Do you have a future self? Not sure? Let me explain...

Ah…my future self...."Future Kat." She is amazing. I have an awfully high opinion of her. I seem to believe that she has much greater discipline, wisdom, self control and patience than this bori...

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Inertia vs Your Morning Routine (...a lesson from my high school glory days)

Aug 03, 2020

I was in the Physics Club in high school.

I know what you’re thinking, this woman’s sheer coolness knows no bounds.

It was actually a lot of fun and we got a free trip to Six Flags, which may have been the primary reason for my membership.

But I a...

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Your Phone vs Your Morning Routine

Apr 06, 2020

If you use your phone as a part of your morning routine each day, it can be a major distraction. The siren call of the ever-present notifications from various apps can pull your attention away from your well-meaning use of the Bible app or music-stre...

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Snooze Button vs Your Morning Routine (My favorite morning ninja trick!)

Nov 04, 2019

You have the best of intentions. You’ve set your alarm for tomorrow with time for your morning routine, but when it goes off the next morning your old enemy the snooze button strikes again.


But the snooze button doesn't have to be your enemy. In f...

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❤️ Kat Lee