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Creating a Lifegiving Table with Sally Clarkson ::: ITA136
I’m not much of a cook, but I’m always amazed at the power of a good meal to pull everyone away from what they are doing and spend time together talking and eating.
Today we’re talking about building and strengthening...
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Families Impacting the Global Water Crisis — with Laura Blank :: ITA #135
There is good news about the global water crisis. In 1990, 76 percent of the world had access to improved drinking water. Today, that number is nearly 91 percent and growing.
Unfortunately, nearly 1,000 children under...
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Freedom From Frustrating Finances with Erin Odom :: ITA #134
With an upside down mortgage, growing family and a too-small income, Erin Odom and her husband were frustrated with their finances. She shares their powerful story of getting to the roots of their financial problems,...
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Israel: Where Faith Meets Place with Heather MacFadyen :: ITA #133
Through some miraculous circumstances, my guest Heather MacFadyen took a powerful trip to Israel this past spring. She shares how that trip impacted her life, her walk with Jesus and changed her understanding of the...
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Faith-Based Decision Making with Carey Bailey :: ITA #132
We all search for peace and clarity in life’s big decisions. Life coach Carey Bailey shares how to build up faith-based decision-making processes in your life. “It’s not my job to try and be in control, instead it’s...
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More than Motherhood, Rediscovering You with Chrystal Evans Hurst :: ITA #131
Bestselling author, speaker and homeschooling mother of five, Chrystal Evans Hurst shares her rich wisdom on how to live the life God has called you to even when our dreams don’t match our current reality.
“Our life...
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Strong Parenting & Hero Dads with Dr. Meg Meeker :: ITA #130
Mom and pediatrician, Dr. Meg Meeker shares wisdom and rich insight on parenting, teens, and fatherhood. You’ll want to bookmark this one to listen to again and again!
“You pursue your children, enter...
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Training Boys to be Modern-Day Knights with Heather Haupt :: ITA #129
When stories about knights, battles and medieval heroism caught her boys’ imaginations, Heather Haupt used it as an opportunity to teach them about the code of chivalry. Drawing from real accounts in the middle ages,...
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Make God Famous with Lisa Lloyd :: ITA #128
Actress and mom Lisa Lloyd shares how God brought her to a deep place of surrender after a painful experience in her life. Through that experience, she felt called by God to make his name famous and invite others to...
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The Power of Summer Reading (Aloud) with Sarah Mackenzie :: ITA # 127
With the beginning of summer right around the corner, keeping our kids occupied and enjoying family activities are typically high on everyone’s list. What if you could accomplish both by adding the simple activity of...
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Worshipping God in the Midst of Pain with Kari Jobe :: ITA 126
Christian music singer and songwriter Kari Jobe shares about her motherhood journey and the story behind her new album The Garden.
After a tragedy in her family, Jobe wrote worship songs about finding hope in the...
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Craving Jesus More Than Netflix with Jennie Allen :: ITA #125
Jennie Allen is a recovering achiever who is passionate about Jesus. She is the author of the new book, Nothing to Prove: Why We Can Stop Trying So Hard, and is the founder of IF: Gathering, which exists to gather,...
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