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Your Best Christmas Ever – with Jennifer Dukes Lee – ITA #63

Holiday overwhelm. How do we fight it? Accomplished author turned country girl, Jennifer Lee Dukes shares her thoughts about making this the year of the "pre-approved" Christmas...where we celebrate His approval of us rather than to gain the approval of others.

Today we also talk about how you are one of kind. I show my nerdy side a bit and share an inspiring statistic. Yes, I just said "inspiring statistic" - listen and I think you'll agree...

In This Episode You'll Hear...

  • How making a list of ordered priorities with a guiding principle at the top will help you have a simple, meaningful Christmas.
  • When we feel half hearted, not whole hearted we question ourselves and identity, especially at Christmas.
  • Jesus is the only unchanging part of Christmas and that is what we are celebrating.

Tweet to Inspire: "Love others from your approval of Christ, rather than for the approval of others." - @Dukeslee on @inspired2action --> Click here to share.

Click the play button in the post or grab your favorite podcast app and join us for a chat!

And if you want more holiday encouragement, I wrote a post over at The Art of Simple today called, "How To Simplify The Holidays Without Feeling Like a Scrooge."

My Favorite Freezer Recipes

The holidays are busy and I don't always have time to cook before we have to run to the next event. That's why I'm stocking up our freezer with simple, fast healthy meals that I can always pull out in a pinch.

Here are my favorites:
Chili - super simple and can be used SO many ways.
Salsa Chicken - this one is even easier and more versitile. We use it in burritos, over rice, on nachos. Yum.
Lasagna - an old freezer staple.

I'm so thankful for how simple Plan To Eat makes my batch cooking and meal planning. I just drag, drop, grab my phone and head to the store because PTE automagically makes my shopping list for me. Golden.

Be sure to check them out and grab their FREE 30 day trial.

(Note that their huge Black Friday 50% off sale is coming up, so now is the perfect time to check them out.)

Quick Links

  1. Jennifer's book Love Idol
  2. Love the song in the outro? It's called God Day. It's by Jen Stanbro and you can get it on iTunes by clicking here and check out Jen's site by clicking here.

Connect with Jennifer:

Jennifer Lee Dukes

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❤️ Kat Lee