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Finding (and giving) Grace in Motherhood: An Interview with Jeannie Cunnion – ITA62

You're going to feel a weight lifted off your shoulders as you listen to Jeannie Cunnion, author of Parenting the Wholehearted Child. Her humble attitude and transparent walk through her own journey of accepting God's grace reminds you that motherhood tends to reveal everyone's weaknesses. So take a deep breath, sit back and listen. You aren't the only one striving for perfection in parenting.

In This Episode You'll Hear...

  • What it means to have a wholehearted child and how you parent one.
  • How to raise kids with the freedom from the pressure of being perfect.
  • How to weave grace into your parenting, even in discipline.
  • How it really must start with allowing God to do a work in our own hearts before we can model this freedom to our kids.

Click the play button in the post or grab your favorite podcast app and join us for a chat!

My Least Gracious Hour

Truth be told, I am the least gracious to my children in that 4-5 o'clock hour when I'm putting dinner together, helping kids do homework and preparing for the next day. I call it the Fourth Quarter. It's go time. The game is on the line and the pressure is on. (Sports analogies for the win!)

It has truly been such a blessing to not have to wonder what I'm making for dinner. Oh, I'm still grumpy and a little frazzled from the process of cooking (not my strength) but having a meal plan each week eliminates the frustration of figuring out what to have or the guilt of ordering another pizza.

It's weird and possibly a little dorky to think that a meal planning website has made me a better mom, but it's actually true. Now if only Plan To Eat could create a house cleaning website...

Be sure to check them out and grab their FREE 30 day trial.

(Note that their huge Black Friday 50% off sale is coming up, so now is the perfect time to check them out.)

Here are a few highlights from my meal plan this week. (Please remember I am not a gourmet chef. I am a "get out of there" chef. I like simple, fast and relatively healthy recipes. The Pioneer Woman...I am not. :)

Tortellini Soup - I love this super fast, healthy and comforting soup. It's full of ingredients that I always have on hand.
Sausage, Beans and Rice - This is really just a hodge podge of ingredients but my husband and kids love it and it's easy to freeze for a quick meal later on.

Click here to visit Plan To Eat and sign up for their free trial.

Quick Links

  1. Parenting the Wholehearted Child: Captivating Your Child's Heart with God's Extravagant Grace
  2. Love the song in the outro? It's called God Day. It's by Jen Stanbro and you can get it on iTunes by clicking here and check out Jen's site by clicking here.

Connect with Jeannie

Jeannie Cunnion

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❤️ Kat Lee