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Automating Motherhood – Systems and Ideas for Simplifying Motherhood with Kellye Peters – ITA60

The nerd in me is so thrilled about this episode. Today I'm chatting with my very dear "in real life" friend, Kellye Peters about chore charts, lists and getting organized.

Kellye and I have been friends for over 10 years and I am constantly amazed at how well she manages her home. She has fantastic ideas and an extraordinary gift for decor and design. After a recent discussion about daily lists for our kids, I knew I had to share her wisdom with y'all.

Isn't her kitchen gorgeous? (Even in a slightly blurry photo!)

In This Episode You'll Hear...

  • About simple systems and lists that will make your motherhood easier.
  • Why it’s important to teach our children build routines
  • How routines can help us be better moms
  • The biggest obstacle to our organization

Automate Your Meal Planning

I've used Plan to Eat for years and it's one of the biggest ways I've simplified my time. I used to reinvent the wheel every single week (well, when I had the energy to meal plan...) when I planned my meals. Now, it just takes me about 5 minutes a week to plan (since PTE automatically generates my shopping list) and then another 5 minutes to check things off my list before I head to the grocery store. So wonderful.

Be sure to check them out and grab their FREE 30 day trial.

Here are a few highlights from my meal plan this week. (Please remember I am not a gourmet chef. I am a "get out of there" chef. I like simple, fast and relatively healthy recipes. The Pioneer Woman...I am not. :)

Chicken, bean and corn Quesadillas - trying out a new recipe.
Blueberry Muffins - yummy after school snack
Roast Chicken - easiest dinner ever. And I plan to use the leftovers for the quesadillas. Win.

Click here to visit Plan To Eat and sign up for their free trial.

Click the play button in the post or grab your favorite podcast app and join us for a chat!

Quick Links

  1. ChorePad
  2. Love the song in the outro? It's called God Day. It's by Jen Stanbro and you can get it on iTunes by clicking here and check out Jen's site by clicking here.

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❤️ Kat Lee