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Overwhelmed? Learn To Say Your Best Yes – An Interview with Lysa TerKeurst – ITA57

Every "yes" is a commitment of our time and energy. How can we make wise choices? How can we say no graciously? Join Lysa Terkeurst and me in this episode of the Inspired To Action podcast as we discuss how to free ourselves from overwhelmed schedules and the fear of saying no.

In this interview, Lysa shares with us:

  • How to change your overwhelmed schedule.
  • The 3 clues that reveal whether we should say yes or no to an opportunity.
  • The "scripts" Lysa uses to graciously says no when pressured to say yes.
  • A simple way to start "unrushing" your life.

Grab your headphones, click here and join us for a chat and keep reading to learn more!

Get Inspired

Some of my favorite quotes from Lysa in this episode:

Tweet to Inspire: "Saying yes to everything doesn't make you Wonder Woman it makes you a worn out woman."

Tweet to Inspire: "Find the US in the middle of your rUSh."

Big Announcement

I'm super excited to announce that Plan To Eat is the October sponsor for the Inspired To Action Podcast. I've been a paid subscriber for years and am quite sure that Plan To Eat is the only reason my family doesn't eat cereal for dinner every single night.

Click here to check out their FREE 30 day trial, my welcome video and hear about helpful meal planning tutorial series I created.

My Meal Plan For The Week

Here's my meal plan for this week. That Pot Roast last night? Sooooo good.

If you start your Plan To Eat free 30 day trial, you can friend me and snag my recipes and meal plan. One less thing for you to do this week! Click here to get your free trial. Once you're in, come find me - my username is - InspiredToAction.

Thanks so much for your support of the podcast!

Quick Links

    1. Lysa's book: The Best Yes: Making Wise Decisions in the Midst of Endless Demands

  1. 10 Ways To Graciously Say No When You Feel Pressured To Say Yes
  2. Love the song in the outro? It's called God Day. It's by Jen Stanbro and you can get it on iTunes by clicking here and check out Jen's site by clicking here.

Connect with Lysa TerKeurst


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❤️ Kat Lee