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ITA #49 – How Moms Can Take Personal Retreats (…really) with Erin Odom

For most moms, a trip to the bathroom with a working lock is the only kind of retreat they've ever known. I hope to change that today. Erin Odom and I are chatting about how to take a personal retreat (even if you don't have the time, help, or money) and what to do on a personal retreat to maximize the effectiveness of your time.

Grab your headphones, join us for a chat and keep reading to learn more!

Take Action

Have you ever taken a personal retreat? Do you plan to take one after listening to this episode? Click here to share.

Quick Links

  1. Erin's ebook on personal retreats.
  2. Love the song in the outro? It's called God Day. It's by Jen Stanbro and you can get it on iTunes by clicking here and check out Jen's site by clicking here.

Connect with Erin Odom


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❤️ Kat Lee