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ITA #47 – How To Deal with Unexpected Turns and Help Our Children Follow Their Dreams – with Kate Battistelli

Most of the people I've interviewed for this podcast are in thick of parenting, but Kate Battistelli is on the other side of it. Her grown daughter loves God and has a beautiful family of her own.

Kate is the mother of (my daughter's favorite singer) Francesca Battistelli. You'll love her encouragement and insight no matter where you are in your parenting journey.

Grab your headphones, join us for a chat and keep reading to learn more!

Kate was an actress and singer in the New York Broadway musical theatre world. She toured for 2 1/2 years in the Broadway National Tour of The King and I playing Anna opposite Yul Brynner as the King, where she met her amazing husband. Kate is the author of Growing Great Kids: Partner With God to Cultivate His Purpose in Your Child’s Life and she's writing her second book entitled The God Dare.  A contributing writer for 3 amazing mothering sites, MothersofDaughters.comthebettermom.com, and RaisingGenerationsToday.com, she also contributes to the Titus 2 team at TheMobSociety.com. She's a New Jersey girl currently living in Atlanta writing about God, food, family and hospitality. Her passion is to remind you there’s a big God Dare with your name on it!

Get Inspired

Tip #1: God Is Economical

God never wastes anything - all the things that He asked us to lay down, He picked back up in our daughter's life and take it to where it was really going to make a difference.

Tweet to Inspire: "God never wastes anything" - @katebattistelli on @Inspired2Action --> http://wp.me/pnAs1-4f1

Tip #2: God is Enough

God had to bring us to the place where He was enough, where nothing else can satisfy. No matter what our circumstances are, God is still God.

When something comes into our lives that's not what we expect, we can look back and see God's history of faithfulness. God's not always going to deliver you from trouble, but He'll deliver you through it.

Tweet to Inspire: "God taught me to want Him for who He is, not for what He gives me. " - @katebattistelli on @Inspired2Action --> http://wp.me/pnAs1-4f1

Tip #3: Dig Deep

As we dig deep with God, He'll show us the gifts and talents He's given our children so we can be intentional about exposing our children to opportunities to develop those gifts.

Don't be afraid to dream big for yourself or your kids. God has a plan for you and He says you are fearfully and wonderfully made!

Take Action

How will you take action on what you learned in today's episode? Click here to share.

Quick Links

1. Growing Great Kids: Partner With God to Cultivate His Purpose in Your Child’s Life 

2. The God Dare  

  1. Love the song in the outro? It's called God Day. It's by Jen Stanbro and you can get it on iTunes by clicking here and check out Jen's site by clicking here.

Connect with Kate Battistelli


Kate Battistelli

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❤️ Kat Lee