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ITA #46 Jen Murray – Raising Quadruplet Boys and How To Have Summer Fun With Kids

Having one child at a time is hard. Imagine having four at a time. Today's guest, Jen Murray, doesn't have to imagine, because she is the mother of quadruplet boys who are now the energetic age of 7. Join us today as she shares her dramatic motherhood story and some tips on how she keeps the boys entertained all summer long.

Listen as Jen Shares:

  • Why she wasn't able to enjoy many of the typical pregnancy joys
  • What it was like to come home - and recover - with four boys & the team it took to make it happen
  • Why each milestone has made her more confident in God's provision
  • ...and the great eBook she's written to help you plan simple, memorable outdoor activities for the summer

Tweet to Inspire: “God does give you more than you can handle - and the grace to endure it” – @quatromama on @Inspired2Action –> http://wp.me/pnAs1-4eX

Grab your headphones and join us for a chat!

Quick Links

  1. KidVentures is a fantastic resource for your summer. It's filled with fun ideas and adventures to enjoy with your kids.
  2. Love the song in the outro? It's called God Day. It's by Jen Stanbro and you can get it on iTunes by clicking here and check out Jen's site by clicking here.

Connect with Jen Murray


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❤️ Kat Lee