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ITA #45 – Our Top Tips for Summer Travel with Children

My friend Liz grew up in Siberia. No really, she did. She also herded goats in Mongolia as a teenager. And now she's a hipster in Texas. The girl gets around and so do her kids. They have done (and are about to do) quite a bit of international travel.

I, on the other hand, grew up in Texas. And I still live in Texas. My kids have never been to another country.

Liz and I are what you might call...opposites.

But we're also good friends and today we are joining forces to share our best tips for easy travel with kids. You might be thinking about summer vacations or traveling to Grandma's. Liz brings her best "flying with kids" tips and I'm bringing my best "road trip with kids" tips.

For the past 3 years, my amazing husband has planned truly epic road trips for our family. We've hit just about every state on the West coast, all the southern coastal states and many of the mid East (is that a term or did I just make that up?) states.

We have literally spent hundreds of hours in the car...and our kids don't hate us. In fact, these massive road trips are the highlight of their year.

So how do you keep a 4 year old happy on an international flight or a 72 hour road trip?

Grab your headphones, join us for a chat and find out!

(You never know what you'll see on the road. My son loved it when we drove past a motorcycle riding, sunglasses wearing, helmet donning dog.)

Quick Links

Audiobooks - I mention some of our favorite audiobooks in this episode. Seriously, these entertained everyone in our family and made the hours pass by quickly.

  1. Little House on the Prairie series- You might think of it as a book series for girls, but that Ingalls family went through some wild adventures. Cherry Jones does a fantastic job reading this series. My husband enjoyed it as much as my kids.
  2. Story of the World- This is just the link to volume 1 and it has 7 cds, so you can imagine that this 4 book series will last you many road trips. While it is a true history of the world, it is told in a fascinating combination of short stories and narration.
  3. The Chronicles of Narnia- I would recommend this for slightly older kids, but it is a must listen for every family. So, so good.
  4. Officemate Slim Clipboard Storage Box, Translucent Blue (83304) - these were a VERY handy way to keep art supplies with us as we traveled.
  5. Motion sickness remedies - Sea-Bands, MotionEaze - these have really helped the three fifths of the Lee family that suffer from motion sickness.
  6. Love the song in the outro? It's called God Day. It's by Jen Stanbro and you can get it on iTunes by clicking here and check out Jen's site by clicking here.

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❤️ Kat Lee