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ITA #42 – Simple Ways to Pursue Excellence in Motherhood pt.1 – with Elisa Pulliam

I am confident that God has called each of us, as moms, to do great things.

No matter what phase of life we are in, God wants to use us to impact others. I've been learning lately, that I want to be ready for every situation He might want to use me in. Whether it's leading my child to Jesus, having the patience to invest in neighborhood kids, or using my skills and talents to help others, I am passionate about constantly growing and refining myself so that I can be ready when God wants to use me.

I know that because you're taking the time to read blogs like this, you want that too.

Whether you have healing that needs to take place first, or whether you are ready to push yourself to learn new things, we are all on a journey toward excellence.

But how?

As moms, there are no co-workers or company trainings that can teach us or motivate us. So, how can we diligently grow and pursue excellence...on our own. That's what Elisa and I are talking about in today's episode. This show is packed with many different ideas and angles and I know you'll learn a lot today.

And be sure to check back next week for part 2 of this podcast.

Grab your headphones, join us for a chat and keep reading to learn more!

Connect with Elisa Pulliam


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Love the song in the outro?

It's called God Day. It's by Jen Stanbro and you can get it on iTunes by clicking here and check out Jen's site by clicking here.


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❤️ Kat Lee