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Biblical Growth Mindset Rooted in God's Delight

Sep 09, 2024

This post is by Kelli LaFram.


My oldest daughter never ceases to amaze me. When she sets her mind to something, it doesn't magically happen, but more often than not, it does. For example, when she decided she wanted to become an NCAA athlete and dance on a university team, despite the fact that she only had three years of dance experience on a six-person squad from a small rural school, she pushed forward, and it happened. I honestly thought it was a pipe dream, but she put in time outside of practice, networked with other dancers at larger schools, introduced herself to the coach through social media, and convinced me to drive her six hours—one way, mind you!—for a 30-minute in-person audition when she had the option to do it virtually. Needless to say, she made the team. She is a shining example of someone with a growth mindset. When she has a goal, she focuses on it instead of the hurdles that may lie in the path to get there.

Like her, anyone can practice having a growth mindset, but as Christians, we need to practice a biblical growth mindset. The difference between a typical growth mindset and a biblical one is faith. While a typical growth mindset is centered on the belief that one can and will make progress toward a goal, a biblical growth mindset is rooted in faith. This faith says, “No matter what—success or failure—my Heavenly Father will not be disappointed in me.”

The Lord delights in those who fear him, who put their hope in his unfailing love.” (Psalm 147:11, NIV)

Oftentimes, the greatest roadblock to a growth mindset is fear—fear of failure, fear of judgment, or fear of imperfection. However, knowing that God delights in us can give us confidence as we set out toward our goals. Knowing that His love is unfailing can make us brave, even if falling flat on our faces is a possibility.

Ultimately, God’s delight in us is not dependent on our success or our failures. His delight is based on our relationship with Him, which was made possible through the blood of Jesus. His unfailing love is secure and everlasting and frees us from the chains of fear, enabling us to flourish in His love and purpose.

And let's just stop for a moment and discuss failures. Failures are inevitable. Psalm 37:23-24 says, “The steps of a man are established by the Lord, when he delights in his way; though he fall, he shall not be cast headlong, for the Lord upholds his hand” (emphasis added). The Bible says that we will fall. Failures, though challenging, are not the end. The Lord is with us, and these events are opportunities for learning, growth, and strengthening our faith in Him.

My daughter was born with a growth mindset. It’s easier for me to write about one than to practice one. You may be the same. And because we are all sinners, developing a biblical growth mindset is something our flesh will fight against. So, in order to cultivate a growth mindset rooted in faith, here are a few practical steps:

  • Reflect daily on God’s promises, such as those in Psalm 37:23-24 and 147:11.
  • Pray for courage and perseverance.
  • Embrace failure as part of the journey, and remember that the Lord is with you.
  • Set goals that are in alignment with God’s will and that give Him glory.

Our Heavenly Father delights in us. His love is unfailing and everlasting, no matter our achievements or accomplishments. These truths should give us the confidence and freedom to move forward in the purposes and plans He has for us. Sisters, the next time you feel your growth mindset faltering, pause and meditate on Psalm 147:11. Let God’s Word remind you that your worth is secure in Him and that will never change. Then, move forward boldly to pursue whatever path He has set before you.

Kelli LaFram is actually Kelli LaFramboise, but no one can pronounce that, so with the permission of her family she writes under the shorter pen name. Her neighbors have started referring to her bunch as the LaFram Fam. Kelli has led Bible studies in her home and serves in the worship and children’s ministries at her local church. Kelli is an elementary school teacher and her hobbies include blogging about God’s word, listening to audiobooks with her children, and drinking good (decaf) coffee. Currently, she is only writing for Hello Mornings, but you can connect with her at https://www.instagram.com/kellilafram/.

Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash


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