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Sep 16, 2024

This post is by Patty Lewis.

I struggle with fear.  Wrestle with it daily actually.  Some days, I think I’ve got this beat, and I ride that wave, but many days I feel like I’m caught in the undertow. 

So, for perspective, I live 7 miles from the beach on the Space Coast of Florida.  I’ve been caught in the undertow.  I can testify that it is scary, confusing, disorienting and feels like the edge of death.  That came out fairly terrifying once I had typed it, but I’m just trying to give a word picture to illustrate how my fear causes me to get in a place that is similarly terrifying and causes me to behave irrationally.   So, to say I struggle with fear and stand back from these words, realizing the grip I allow it to have on me…once again, is a little sad to me.  I just don’t want to be stuck there.

Here is what I’m focusing on right now.  I know who I am and where my value is eternally found.  I am a child of the Most High God; my value is in Jesus Christ.  I also know that I am not bound to fear and that I am doing better than I ever was.  There are dark spots, but they aren’t my reality as often or as long as they used to be.  They are just cloudy places that quickly pass.  Places where I call out and beg God to pull me out even when I wholly doubt He even exists because I am scared. 

Wow, I did not intend for this particular bit of words to be so raw, revealing and negative. 

I’m just saying it out loud on paper so I can come round to encouraging us.    

This month, September of 2024, we are practicing a Growth Mindset.  As I write this, it is early August still, and I am preparing for how I may practice a healthier perspective during the coming month.  I want to hone in on a few things:

First, I want to look at the statement adding “…yet” to the end of it and create one for myself to practice with.  My statement I hope will follow a great example in Paul from the New Testament:

11 and so, somehow, attaining to the resurrection from the dead.

12 Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already arrived at my goal, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. 13 Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, 14 I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.

Phillippians 4:11-14


My statement is:  “I have not conquered fear fully…yet.  I know The Lord is with me fighting for me as I persevere.  I know His Word instructs me over and over not to fear.  I am working to be aware when my mindset is breeding fear and continue to ask God to change me to a mindset that breeds hope.

Second, I’m leaning straight into the Growth Mindset for September and planning ahead by creating a few prompts for my daily quiet time to reflect on.  These prompts are:

           What is making me anxious today?


           What are three things/people I am thankful for today?


Third, I plan to review the journal page prompts from the academy a few times a week, or maybe daily, that help me see options for choosing a Growth Mindset

Here are a few I am looking forward to trying out:

           Reflect rather than regret

           Focus on what is possible

           Surround yourself with inspiring people who sharpen you

           Get moving.  Go for a walk or workout

I know I am prone to fear and anxiety; I just don’t want this to define me for my entire life here on earth.  It is a weakness where time and again, He has shone through with His strength, grace and mercy.  I am willing to be refined and I am looking forward to September, when I pray He will make me even more courageous than ever.  I pray for you as well, that you will be just a little more courageous in Him going forward and I hope the items I narrowed down for myself to practice might inspire and encourage you.

 May The Lord bless you and keep you! 


Patty Lewis lives on the Space Coast of Florida with her Husband, Son and one cat. She is a homeschool Momma, loves having the goal of encouraging others by listening and speaking words of life. She enjoys reading, gardening, learning, exploring, Disney, coffee (iced lattes really sweet), anything with her family and laughing really loud.

Photo by Naja Bertolt Jensen on Unsplash


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