This post is by Tami Rodriguez.
Covid, murder hornets, civil unrest, riots...I’ve seen many memes welcoming us to the next level of Jumaji which is funny... but not funny! I’ve found myself rather paralyzed the last few days if I slow down or sit...
This post is by Cheryl Gilbert.
We’re in the middle.
I was asked yesterday what I thought God was teaching me in this strange time. I admit, I hadn’t thought about it. Don’t get me wrong, I’d thought about His provision, His protection, and His
...I awakened this morning to Day 4 of the Washington State Stay Home, Stay Healthy mandate. Wait, what? Has it really only been 4 days? Is it just me, or has time slowed to a crawl while the munchies have shifted into high gear? Seriously! What is up w...
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❤️ Kat Lee