This post is by Tami Rodriguez.
“God Time” has often been hard for me. I felt like I was doing it wrong. I am not someone who likes to spend an hour in prayer or do devotionals. I love to study and go really deep.
This post is by Patty Lewis.
I’m tired today, and I am also very thankful for the life God has given my family. We’ve experienced, as a family, some incredible grief, a few literal storms and some equally incredible abundant...
This post is by Courtney Cohen.
Growing up as a musician, embracing the common idea that worship equates with the musical portion of a weekend service wasn’t a difficult thing to do. After all, worship through musical expression is all...
Post by Shaina Weisgerber
John 11:35
“Jesus wept.”
Knowing Jesus cried tears helps me today. If there ever endless amounts of encouragement, hope and truth come from one person, it was him. Yet, he wept. His humanity reminds me...
This post is by Kelli LaFram.
A few years ago, in church we began singing the song “Great Are You Lord” by All Sons & Daughters. It’s a beautiful worship song with lyrics that recognize God as the only one worthy of...
This post is by Karen Bozeman.
I love praise and worship. Songs and hymns help me refocus, removing the grating noise of daily life. Music fills up my “soul holes” and regenerates my sagging spirit. Yet how many times have we heard...
This post is by Kelli LaFram.
When it comes to your time with Jesus, have you ever felt sluggish, dry, unmotivated? Like, despite your desire to have a full and rich morning with Jesus, your best friend and Savior, you just don’t have the...
This post is by Shaina Weisgerber.
I have been a part of every kind of church music you could think of: children’s choir, hand bells, I sang specials, and have been a part of many worship teams over the years. I prided myself on my...
This post is by Sarah Johnson.
...And, behold, the Lord passed by, and a great and strong wind rent the mountains, and brake in pieces the rocks before the Lord; but the Lord was not in the wind: and after the wind an earthquake; but the Lord was...
This post is by Cheryl Gilbert.
We’re in the middle.
I was asked yesterday what I thought God was teaching me in this strange time. I admit, I hadn’t thought about it. Don’t get me wrong, I’d thought about His...
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❤️ Kat Lee