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The Hello Mornings Blog

Feeding the Soul at the Holiday Table 

Dec 19, 2022

This post is by Janine Muniz.


As the last months of the year roll around, many find this a time of family and tradition. This is true for me, too. However, this is also the time of year I reflect on the amount of loss my family has...

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Jesus, Our Greatest Friend

Dec 05, 2022

This post is by Kelli LaFram.


I don’t have many close friends. I tend to hold people at a distance until I have time to observe them, determine their motives, and assess whether or not they are trustworthy. That said, the few friends...

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Save Your Yes

Nov 28, 2022


This post is by Jen Shulz.


This year, I will not take my family to buy a fresh cut Christmas tree. This year, our stockings remain tucked away in storage with tote after tote of Christmases past. The Nativity I have set out as my...

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Pursue Your Dreams at any Age with Mom & Ironman Athlete Katie Messerall

Nov 08, 2022

What are your dreams? As adults it’s easy to stop dreaming and let them be buried in the busyness of life. Today we’re talking with Katie Messerall, a mom, a former teacher…and an Ironman heading to the World...
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God Time in a Difficult Season 

Nov 07, 2022

This post is by Cindy Chen.


We all face difficulty from time to time, so when we’re hard pressed, how can we be prepared to keep God Time in our routine?

Difficulty is part of life, and while some may seem to have it harder than...

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When Gratitude Is Hard to Find

Oct 31, 2022

This post is by Lindsey Bell.


Gratitude isn’t always easy. 

There are some seasons in life when it feels downright impossible

Ten years ago, I was in the middle of one of these seasons. 

I can still vividly remember...

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Encouraging a Friend During a Hard Season

Oct 24, 2022

This post is by Deb Alexander.

Recently, I decided to resign from a job that I loved. Although the choice was mine, it was both unexpected and unwelcome. I described it to my husband as both gut-wrenching and heartbreaking. I was grieving.


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How To Stop Feeling Guilty (and why it will help you grow!)

Oct 19, 2022

Guilt. We've all felt it. But what do we DO with it? 

Whether it's in our morning routines, new habits or any other area of our lives, we can't let guilt stop us from moving forward.

That's what we're talking about in this episode of the Hello...

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When You’ve Accidentally Ruined Your Morning Routine

Oct 17, 2022

This post is by Kelli LaFram.


Alarm goes off, I hit snooze once, twice, maybe even three times. I roll out of bed and pour a cup of coffee (Thank the Lord for the invention of delay set coffee pots! Am I right?) I plop down on the couch,...

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You Don't Need Willpower, You Need THIS...

Oct 14, 2022

We often thing that the most disciplined people just have more will power but in reality they don't!
In this episode we talk about the two things you need INSTEAD of willpower and self discipline to build a morning routine or really any...
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❤️ Kat Lee