This post is by Courtney Cohen.
Habits are funny things – full of potential to shape our life’s course, yet often viewed as deplorable doldrums we must endure to “adult” successfully. But Scripture overflows with positive and purposeful repetitio...
This post is by Patty Lewis.
Searching for some familiar, yet challenging help, I came across the Move Time Challenge Kit on Hello Mornings Academy. Unsure if I would eventually commit to it, but knowing I needed to make some choice to help me s...
This post is by Briane Kearns.
For a few years I sold a line of women’s clothing from my home. It was a unique company that created various styles and then made them available in a variety of fabrics.
I am a curvy girl. There are no tall, thin b...
This post is by Rose Ward.
Are you fueled? When I ask this question to my clients, I am asking them if they are staying hydrated and eating nutritiously. Asking this question brings awareness to what they are putting into their bodies, and it is ess...
This post is by Jen Stanbro.
Growing up in the church, I was often instructed that giving God my time was important. So I did with fair regularity in my young adult and teen years. But as life got busier, I struggled to carve out time for the ...
This post is by Kem Roper.
In my younger years, my motivation for exercise came from a place of weakness, not strength. I lacked self-esteem, social savvy, and the physical attributes that captured boys’ attention. So, working out—especially weig...
This post is by Lindsey Bell.
I’m a list-maker. Always have been.
Though I can see the benefits of lists and how they help me accomplish things, there are also potential drawbacks.
One of these drawbacks is that critical activities (such ...
This post is by Shari Gabourel.
If I can pass along a bit of advice, it would be not to underestimate the remarkable benefits of connecting with God through His Word. Being deliberate in regularly engaging the Word of God is a practical and ef...
This post is by Jen Shultz.
I am supposed to be writing today about why the benefit of maintaining a Bible study in hectic seasons as well as the calm seasons is beneficial. And here I am at the eleventh hour completing my task because I am in...
This post is by Shaina Weisgerber.
I think at some point we all want to throw in the towel. We’re tired, stressed, undone and over it all. There are seasons that cause us to reevaluate everything we’re involved in and all the hats we wear. Whe...
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❤️ Kat Lee