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The Hello Mornings Blog

3 Ways to Get Out of That Slump

Mar 28, 2022

This post is by Jenn Kokal.

Do you ever find yourself in a slump?

Perhaps you suddenly realize how messy your house is, how youā€™re constantly running late, or how you just canā€™t seem to wake up early enough to read your Bible. It happens to us a...

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God Time: Quality Over Quantity

Mar 21, 2022

This post is by Jen Stanbro.


Just before my first born came into the world, I began reading up on breast-feeding. There are so many incredible nods to Godā€™s awesomeness in the way He carefully designed nursing to be a special time between a mo...

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Mar 14, 2022

This post is by Cheryl Gilbert.

ā€œCome to me, all of you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take up my yoke and learn from meā€¦and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.ā€ -Jesus (Matthew 11:28...

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The Care of Souls: Relationship over Routine

Mar 07, 2022

This post is by Sabeth Kapahu.


We can practice all the spiritual disciplines, apply our therapistā€™s advice, and produce better results for those we help, but can we do all of these without ever having loved? Have we experienced transformationa...

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Conquering Our Fears of the Future

Feb 28, 2022


This post is by Hannah Oxley.


Itā€™s 11 AM, and Iā€™m sitting in my room on what is either my fourth or fifth day of quarantine (is time even real anymore?). Iā€™m beyond blessed to have friends asking if they can drop off groceries, a mom who ca...

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When Youā€™ve Fallen Off the Habit Wagon

Feb 07, 2022

This post is by Cindy Chen.


Welcome to February, where New Year's resolutions fizzle out and die. I struggle to keep a routine, set goals, or take steps consistently enough to build new good habits. But setting goals and building habits are vital...

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IRL Community: Building the Habit

Jan 24, 2022

This post is by Kelli LaFram.


I stared down at the phone I was holding in my hand, reading and rereading the text I had just tapped out, but was hesitant to send. Why was this so nerve-wracking, so scary? Itā€™s just a text, just an invitation. Was...

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One in a SchmoozleĀ 

Jan 17, 2022

This post is by Sabeth Kapahu.


Itā€™s a new year and as much as I would love to tell you that there is a new you on the horizonā€¦. you are the one and only you, and thereā€™s nothing new about that.

The reality is, we donā€™t magically turn into somebo...

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Name the Gifts

Jan 10, 2022

This post is by Joanne Wu.

There is one particular Bible story that Iā€™ve always had trouble feeling encouraged by, even though it seemed I was supposed to.Ā  Itā€™s the story of Paul and Silas praising God in prison.Ā  The lesson to ā€œpraise God at all t...

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Let the Morning Tip the Scale

Jan 03, 2022

This post is by Martha Buford.

It happened slowly, ever so slowly. If I had not been looking for it, I might not have seen it. I did not notice any difference at first, but then one day there it was, there was room to move in my once skintight jeans...

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ā¤ļø Kat Lee